Are you ready to make your passions a reality? 

Do you have an idea or a Passion Project that tugs at your heart and soul and says: “Do me!” 

… But your ideas are “all over the place” 

… You can’t seem to get started 

… Or stay focused

... Or stop procrastinating – 

And what about all of the DISTRACTIONS?!

If this sounds like you, then you'll love Rae Shagalov's Lamplighter Circle!

Sign up by Feb. 26 & you'll get our "Create Your Ideal Day Lab" Live Group Coaching Session!

BONUS! Join us for our Ideal Day Lab on Tue. Feb. 27 on Zoom to get individual coaching to make every day one you can feel good about. Looking forward to meeting you inside Lamplighter Circle!

  • Comes with the Create Your Ideal Day Journal & Workshop Recording, too!

Are You a Lamplighter?

"When a street lamp is erected, all those seeking light gather around, for light attracts."*

Long ago, there were lamps on every street corner. Even in the cold and the darkness, the lamplighter walked through the night with a torch, moving from one lamp to another,

illuminating the trail for others.

Lamplighters are committed to making a positive impact on society, guiding others towards success, and fostering a culture of collaboration and support within our community. 

We believe in leading by example, spreading Torah, and sharing our knowledge and experience to help others. This might be through a product, program, or service that we sell or it might be a service we gift to others - or both!

*Hayom Yom 13 Teves

BUT You won't have to do it alone!

The joy of Passion Projects is in the doing and the sharing. 

When you enroll in Lamplighter Circle, you'll be invited to connect with me and the wonderfully creative women in my community.

  • Share your passion projects
  • Get inspired by others
  • Find an accountability partner
  • Ask for help or feedback on your projects
  • Get help with the tech you need to launch your dream!
  • Create your project aligned with Torah and Chassidus

Do you enjoy really deep, meaningful conversations? 

 The kind that broaden your mind and deepen your soul?

Our Success with Time Sessions are part Torah learning, part planning, part farbrengen full of Chassidus, and totally filled with love and our authentic search for truth - the truth of who we are and how we can show up as our highest, best selves.

Greetings & Blessings!
I’m Rae Shagalov
Founder of the Passion Projects Mastermind for Jewish Women

As a busy wife, mom, bubby, artist, author, and creativity coach, I know what it's like to wear a lot of hats and have a gazillion interests and passions. People often ask me, "How do you manage it all? How do you stay focused?" That's exactly what I'll be sharing with you in Lamplighter Circle!

I created the Lamplighter Circle to help you gain deep personal connection, creative & spiritual growth, and inner satisfaction as you explore and develop your passion project, legacy project, book, or business ideas. With the help of G-d, I’ve coached thousands of gifted Jewish women & children over the last 25 years with my proven system, so I have lots of fun tools & strategies to help you launch your dream! 

Are You Ready to Nurture Your Dream or Legacy Project?

Lamplighter Circle Is Just $9/Month For All This!

MONTHLY Success With Time Planning Workshop 

Plus Q & A Coaching

MONTHLY Decluttering Session

DAILY Accountability In Our Community


 The Passion Projects Roadmap Course & Workbook

The One Minute Miracle & 7 Minute Total Relaxation Meditations 

 The Ultimate Decluttering Planner

 The Passion Projects Vision Board Template & Guide

 Overcome Distractions with the F.O.C.U.S. Formula Planner

The Committee in Your Mind Negative Voice Transformer

From Stressed to Blessed Masterclass

What's a Soul Like You Doing in a World Like This? Life Planner

The Creative Workspace Organizing Video

Create time for what you love with the Ultimate Time Management Kit

And so much more! 

Mona Riss
Morah & Author

"I received encouragement and the push to take a 30 year old dream and make it a reality. Once the "book came out of the drawer" (after 30 years!), Rae gave me the tools I needed to move forward. Besides Rae's invaluable advice, the encouragement of the group, both project minded and spiritual, is so powerful."


The world NEEDS what YOU have to give. 

Don’t waste anymore time!

On Oct. 7, our world changed.

It's been hard to figure out who we are in this new world and what we should do. It's more important than ever to rise with strong and clear resolution and resilience.

You are here for a reason even if you don’t yet know what it is! 

The fact that you’re here is a SIGN to step into your purpose. 

If it hasn’t worked for you yet, it’s not your fault! 

It’s because you were lacking the tools, clarity & community to help you get there.

In our Lamplighter Circle, you’ve landed in the right place -  a safe place for your dreams to unfold - filled with all of the resources you need, including a warm, wise, supportive sisterhood of wonderful women like you!

Rae combines artistic beauty with the warmth of Chasidish wisdom in everything she brings to us. Rae gives us each next steps to take, and that’s is so helpful for me!! I am truly grateful to be in her workshops!

Gloria Abrams
Life Coach

No Risk! You can cancel at any time.

Rae combines artistic beauty with the warmth of Chasidish wisdom in everything she brings to us. Rae gives us each next steps to take, and that’s is so helpful for me!! I am truly grateful to be in her workshops!

Gloria Abrams
Life Coach
Lamplighter Circle includes all this for just $9/month! 

  • Success with Time monthly workshop and Q & A coaching 
  • The Passion Projects 5 Milestones course & workbook (self-study) 
  • Warm & Supportive Facebook or WhatsApp group for accountability & sharing your creative work 
  • Monthly Tanya & Torah Art Journaling 
  • Meditations, tech training, calligraphy artnotes, coloring pages, journals & more! 
  • PLUS Monthly Co-Conquer Clutter decluttering hour (amazingly effective!)

PLUS Join by Feb. 26 to get these 5 bonuses! 

  •  Ideal Day Lab on Tue. Feb. 27 to get individual coaching 
  • Mission Statement & Ethical Will Workbook Organize Your Overwhelm Workbook 
  • The 5 Minute Joy Meditation
  • The 7 Minute Total Relaxation Meditt

When You Join You'll Get Instant Access to

The Passion Projects Roadmap 

Energize yourself with what you love the most, nurture your family and community, and light up the world with your unique talents and passions! 

The Passion Projects Roadmap is the foundational course of Lamplighter Circle. It will lead you step-by-step with all the tools you’ll need to get your Passion Projects up and running.

The Passion Projects Roadmap includes 5 milestones to help you create time, space, focus, and peace of mind to launch your great ideas into the world.

"Projects that I gave up on long ago are coming out of the woodwork and getting ready for a debut in the world. New opportunities are coming into my life and I'm finally getting the tools to seize them head on!( Performed a few times including at a Challah Bake for over 100 women!!! Working on publishing a children's book I wrote long ago, and got materials needed for my art and music projects. 

Aside from the course, masterclasses, and printable worksheets, there's a wonderful WhatsApp group of amazing like-minded super talented women to share with, to support and be supported! There's so much to soak in and internalize! So much positivity and motivation. The tools in this program will serve you for life! This program's techniques to achieving success are deeply rooted in Torah and Chassidus, which means vast spiritual growth as well. It helps you to discover and fulfill your mission on this earth, so you can do your part with the unique talents Hashem blessed you with to make the world a better place and help bring Moshiach."

Mushky Perl
Artist, Singer, Writer

The 5 Milestones of the Passion Projects Roadmap

Are Included In Your Membership!

Milestone 1: Let's Get Organized!

Learn how to use the 11 powers of our soul and the F.A.R.M. Framework (Faith, Alignment, Reality & Mindset - a special time management program especially for Jewish women) to organise and maximize your time and success with your Passion Projects.

Milestone 2: Make Room for Your Dream!

Learn how to set up for maximum creativity, capture all of your ideas, and bring back all of the things that bring you joy to the forefront of your life. Includes Creative Workspaces video, How to Organize Anything masterclass, and Ultimate Decluttering Journal & Planner.

Milestone 3: Passion Projects Vision Board Template & Guide  

Get crystal clear about what you want to bring into being with your unique talents.

Milestone 4: Create Time and Focus for your Passion Project    

Use the F.O.C.U.S. Formula Planner, The T.O.A.S.T. Method of setting priorities, and the Complete Time Management Kit plus a variety of templates to help you make time and progress for your Passion Projects

Milestone 5: Surf the G-dly Wave with your Marvelous Mindset Tool Kit - Conquer Those Negative Voices & the Yetzer Hara! 

Includes the "Transform Your Negative Inner Voices" masterclass, The "One Minute Miracle" meditation and the "7-minute Total Relaxation" meditation - plus the other templates to help you master your mindset for positivity and success!

NEW templates, journals, calligraphy inspiration & coloring pages each month!

I love to create what my Passionistas need!

"Rae Shagalov is a creative inspiration in motion. She is a spiritual force leading Jewish women on an important mission to better understand and  navigate our world with a better understanding of our creative role in modern day history. 

 Rae is a force of light impacting Jewish women for generations to come. I am grateful for the honor to be on this creative journey and confident Rae's Jewish value based program is the cutting edge of Jewish creative education."

Aviva Morse

Imagine this… 

⇒ DEEPLY exploring, choosing & planning your Passion Project with expert guidance 

⇒ ELIMINATING procrastination + gaining crystal-clear FOCUS 

⇒ ENERGIZING yourself with the best self-care – your passion project! 

INCREASING your FAITH and peace of mind as you work in partnership with G-d 

TAKING ACTION & FEELING FULLY APPRECIATED for who you are and what you do!

We're building Geulah together!

You won't feel alone once connected to our Lamplighter Circle. 

When you join our program, you’ll arrive in a safe, supportive space that’s spiritually fulfilling and creatively exciting. 


 You’ll feel connected as you explore, discover, and develop your innate and unique talents to serve your chosen audience in a sustainable way. 

 It’s a place where you can fail and make mistakes inside a supportive circle of friends who never give up on you! 

A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships!

When bright, creative, wise women get together to help each other, magic happens! 

It’s a sweet, delicious feeling knowing that others believe in you and your dream.  

This is your project. 

Your creative baby. 

It urges you like a nagging child to give it some attention, to get it out into the world, to get it DONE. 

Whether it’s a book, a course, your business, getting more organized, a service or product you want to offer, a painting, a poem, or a distant vague dream – it won’t let you ignore it! 

Even if you have NO TIME for it. 

 Give your dream project permission, space and energy to unfold. 

We’ll support you, and help you strengthen your resolve to reach the success you dream of!

My specialty is working with multi-passionate creative women who have many interests, goals, and dreams, and often feel frustrated and confused about how to do them all.

There is a way! I can't wait to show you how with G-d's help!

I also love to work with women who want to do something meaningful and don't yet know what it is.


Spending 3 years with Rae in the Passion Projects Mastermind was and continues to be a transformational journey over the mountains & thru the woods. Rae is a master coach, visionary, & creative. She helped me focus, plan, & implement to fruition. She is skilled in many areas & uses her talents to guide us in expressing ours, leading us to our personal Geula. 

Each mastermind was a farbrengen, with deep Torah & inspiration to guide us forward in our projects, in baby steps. (Me anyway)! The support & comradery that developed... was unimaginable. Knowing each others' stuck places, challenges & victories was a remarkable benefit, as we helped each other grow. I even have a YouTube channel... Now that's pretty awesome for little old me!

Dobra Spinner
Multi-Passionate Learner
You get all this and more for just $9/month!
Sign Up Today!


  • Will there be replays?
    Yes! All replays and your bonus workbooks, journals, and other goodies will be in our Lamplighters Hub along with the Passion Projects Roadmap course.
  • Do you have to be religious to be in Lamplighters?
    Our community is governed and guided by Torah law. Anything posted in our groups or discussed at our meetings needs to align with Torah law and values. WHEREVER YOU ARE ON THE TORAH JOURNEY IS GREAT! You are welcome, whether you’re just beginning or even just yearning to know more about Torah and mitzvahs, or deeply immersed in all that Torah has to offer.
  • Can I join if I'm not Jewish?
    Yes! Lamplighters Success Circle is for Jewish women, Noahides, and women who are sojourners and allies of the Jewish people and Israel. Our community is governed and guided by Torah law. Anything posted in our groups or discussed at our meetings needs to align with Torah law and values. We welcome anyone who wants to grow in Torah and mitzvahs including the 7 special mitzvahs for righteous gentiles. Absolutely no proselytizing is allowed.
  • Can I cancel at any time?
    Yes, you can cancel at any time!
  • When does Lamplighters Success Circle meet and for how long?
    We meet for Success with Time on the first Tuesday of each month for about two hours. Our Co-Conquer Clutter Hour is on the second Sunday of each month. Tanya & Torah Art Journaling meets on the last Sunday of the month for an hour. All sessions meet at 10:00 AM PST/ 1:00 PM EST/ 8:00 PM Israel.
  • If I can't attend the Q & A can I still get my questions answered?
    Yes! You can submit your questions ahead of time via our form or in a video that you post in our group.
  • What would not be a good fit?
    Our community is an action-focused group for creative development of our passion and legacy projects and is not intended for therapy, political, legal, or medical discussions. Of course, those things come up sometimes as part of our challenges, but should not be the main focus. With G-d’s help, your work on your passion project will help you rise above your other challenges through your the joy and partnership with Hashem.
  • Swearing?
    We are a Torah-centered community and are working on refining our speech and other habits. Some people enjoy using strong swear words. No judgment on this at all, but just letting you know that if that's important to you, our community would not be a good fit for you unless you are willing to forgo swearing while in our environment.

Lamplighter Circle$9

Contact Information

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- You understand that there are no funds due to the nature of this digital product.
- You understand that that I cannot guarantee the success of your program(s) or your member or student's successful outcome.
I agree

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Don't miss this amazing ONE-TIME offer!

Need extra support? 

Grab a Private 1 to 1 Coaching Session with Rae! Special Offer at 75% off. Only $49 $200

Save $151 today.

  --> Grab the private session today!!    

A nurturing one-hour private session with Rae Shagalov to dive deep into your passion project and come out with a clear strategy and action plan all mapped out! 
  • Today's payment
  • Lamplighter Circle$9
  • Future payments
  • $9

All prices in USD
